WEICON RK-1500 結構膠

WEICON RK-1500 結構膠

WEICON RK-1500結構膠具備極高的耐衝擊、剝離和剪切強度。 該產品含一支膠水和一瓶催化劑,使用前無需將兩者進行混合,適用於各種材質。 WEICON RK-1500的粘度較低,尤其適合大面積的粘接工作。

WEICON RK-1500 結構膠


WEICON RK 1500結構膠具備極高的耐衝擊、剝離和剪切強度。


WEICON RK 1500的粘度較低,尤其適合大面積的粘接工作該產品合特別適於粘合玻璃,金屬和陶瓷。

WEICON RK 1500能夠用於機械製造、車輛工程、工具和模具製造、建築和傢俱行業,以及諸多其他行業。


產品包裝 :

10563860  RK-1500  60 g

10563330  RK-1500  310 g

10563800  RK-1500  1 kg

10563906  RK-1500  6 kg

詳細資料請參閱產品技術資料(Product technical data sheet, TDS), 需要相關諮詢及協助, 請聯絡我們技術部, Email: sales@jedotw.com

The data herein are furnished for information only and are believed and reliable. We cannot assume liability or responsibility for results obtained in the use of its products by persons whose methods are outside or beyond our control.  It is the users responsibility to determine the suitability of any of the products and methods of use or preparation prior to use mentioned in out literature and furthermore the users responsibility to observe and adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of personnel and property in the handling and use of any of our products.